Publication date:
The Public Prosecution Service today published its Annual Business Plan for 2009-10.
The plan sets out its priorities for the year, the measures and milestones it will use to assess its progress and the risks it will have to manage in order to ensure that it delivers.
Commenting on the plan Sir Alasdair Fraser Director of Public Prosecutions said: “I believe that the plan presents a challenging programme for 2009-10 which will includes:
• the launch of a number of new policy initiatives;
• the implementation of the next phase of Causeway;
• the introduction of a new scheme for the payment of Counsel
fees; and
• taking initial steps to develop a Higher Court Advocacy Scheme,
which will extend the role of public prosecutors into the County
Court and the Crown Court.
“The Public Prosecution Service will work to ensure that it earns and deserves the confidence, respect and trust of the community it serves. It will continue to provide the people of Northern Ireland with an independent, fair and effective prosecution service.
Notes To Editors
A copy of the plan is available at