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The Public Prosecution Service (PPS) today published an action plan developed in response to a review of the PPS’s corporate governance arrangements by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJINI).
CJINI’s findings, published earlier this year, were based on work undertaken by inspectors during the second half of 2012, supported by HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI). The review focused on both corporate governance arrangements and the quality of PPS casework and advocacy.
CJINI made only three strategic recommendations which, if fully implemented, would help the PPS take the next step towards its ultimate aim of providing a first class prosecution service. A further 11 areas for improvement were identified which were regarded by inspectors as ‘internal housekeeping’ for the organisation.
About the Action Plan
The Action Plan seeks to address the recommendations and areas for improvement set out by CJINI. It provides agreed timescales and sets out responsibilities within the organisation.
Key milestones include:
- Development of improved corporate performance measures and targets;
- Publication of a PPS Advocacy Strategy;
- Implementation of enhanced advocacy monitoring arrangements;
- A review of the internal quality assurance framework; and
- An ‘early intervention’ pilot, aimed at improving the quality of police files submitted to PPS.
Notes to Editors
CJINI provides an independent review of efficiency and effectiveness across the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. The PPS is subject to inspection by CJINI, within the provisions of Part 3 of the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002.
The PPS Action Plan may be viewed or downloaded at
For further information, please contact the PPS as follows:
Tel: 02890 897100 Text Phone: 02890 897011 Email: Website:
Media Enquiries please contact the PPS Press Office (028) 90 897187 or 07799 115253