The purpose of this policy is to explain the approach of the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) in taking prosecutorial decisions in respect of stalking, as well as the assistance available to support victims and witnesses in these cases.
The Protection from Stalking Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 became law on 27 April 2022. This Act creates a specific offence of stalking in Northern Ireland. This offence recognises the persistent, fixated and obsessive nature of this crime and the devastating impact it can have on the victim.
Stalking involves behaviours towards a person that makes them feel unsafe. The behaviour may be direct or indirect and a stalker may know their victim intimately (as in a partner, former partner, family member) or barely at all, Research suggests that, on average, victims of stalking may suffer up to one hundred incidents before reporting to police. This may be due to fear of not being believed or taken seriously, threats or fear of repercussions from the stalker or simply not wanting to make matters worse.
Stalking is increasingly being recognised across the UK as a form of domestic abuse, with the majority of stalking cases being carried out by current or ex-partners. Further information on domestic abuse can be found in our Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Abuse (2024).
Tackling stalking is a priority for the PPS. Stalking is one of the most frequently experienced forms of abuse. It is a dangerous crime that can result in fear, trauma and a reduction in the victim’s quality of life. In some cases stalking can escalate to rape and murder. Stalking is a serious crime and we recognise the importance of pathways to support being available and accessible to all victims.