
PPS Equality Scheme 

As a public service provider, PPS has to meet statutory equality duties under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Our Equality Scheme sets out the actions we are taking to meet our equality duties and to ensure that equality is central to our policy and decision-making processes.

By screening our new and revised policies at an early stage, we can identify those policies that are most likely to impact significantly on different groups of people, and to carry out Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs).

Our 4th Equality Scheme has been published and can be accessed through the link below.

Annual Equality Progress Reports to the Equality Commission 

The Department's Equality Scheme commits us to submitting a formal review of progress to the Equality Commission for NI on an annual basis, setting out the actions taken to fulfil our Section 75 commitments. You can read our reports to the Equality Commission at the link below. 


Around one in five people in Northern Ireland have a disability. The nature and extent of their disabilities vary widely, as do their requirements for overcoming the difficulties they may face.

Our Disability Action Plan, which you can read at the link below, sets out the actions we are taking to reduce the barriers faced by disabled people when accessing and using our services, as well as measures to promote disability equality across all aspects of our functions.

Equality and Diversity Steering Group (EDSG)

The Equality and Diversity Steering Group (EDSG) meets quarterly and is chaired by the Senior Assistant Director for Resources and Change.

Business areas across the PPS are represented at each EDSG meeting, and provide regular progress reports on equality issues.

Equality screening 

Equality Screening is the process of making an initial assessment about whether or not a policy or decision has the potential to impact differently and unfairly on different groups of people. Screening covers all aspects of our business and how we carry out this work - for instance, how we develop or review strategies and policies, assess the provision of a new or existing service or change our procedures.

If, during screening, it is clear that a policy or decision will impact significantly on different groups of people, then the Department needs to consider carrying out an equality impact assessment (EQIA). This is a more detailed exercise to examine the impacts more closely.

You can view our screening decisions here, and may contact us if you want to find out more about any specific screening exercise.

Alternative formats

To ensure equality of opportunity in accessing information, the Service provides information in alternative formats on request, where reasonably practicable. Where the exact request cannot be met, the Service will ensure a reasonable alternative is provided. 

Alternative formats may include Easy Read, Braille, audio formats, large print or translations into minority languages to meet the needs of those for whom English is not their first language. 

The Service will respond to requests for information in alternative formats in a timely manner, usually within a maximum of 20 days.

Contact us

The PPS Policy and Information Unit is responsible for overseeing the implementation of all aspects of the Department's equality agenda, and aims to provide practical advice and guidance on all aspects of our equality obligations.

We hope the information provided in these pages is useful. For further assistance, or for advice on how to request information in an alternative format, please contact us as follows:

Equality Officer
Policy and Information Unit
Public Prosecution Service
Belfast Chambers
93 Chichester Street
Belfast BT1 3JR

Telephone: 028 90897 100
Email: equality@ppsni.gov.uk


For people who are deaf or hard of hearing an SMS service is available on 07795 675 528