Director welcomes fourth report of Independent Assessor for complaints

Publication date:

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Sir Alasdair Fraser welcomes the publication of the Fourth Formal Report of the Independent Assessor for Complaints for the Public Prosecution Service, Alasdair Mac Laughlin.  
Sir Alasdair said: “I recognise the importance of the work of the Independent Assessor and its critical value in maintaining public confidence in the Public Prosecution Service. 
“The Independent Assessor has advanced six recommendations to further develop complaints handling within the Service. I accept these recommendations and an Action Plan is being prepared to meet the challenges of the report and to ensure that the recommendations are fully met.”  

Notes to Editors 

  • Alasdair Mac Laughlin was appointed in June 2005 as Independent Assessor for complaints for the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland (PPS).
  • The Independent Assessor investigates any complaint about the services provided to the community by the PPS where the complainant is not satisfied with the PPS response to the complaint.
  • The Independent Assessor does not investigate a complaint about a prosecution decision.
  • This independent aspect to the complaints system of the PPS is unique amongst the criminal justice systems of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
  • As well as handling complaints properly referred to him the Independent Assessor audits all complaints logged centrally at PPS Headquarters.

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