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Joseph Dolan was today sentenced to an indeterminate custodial sentence for the manslaughter of Pauline Kilkenny at her home in Belcoo in November 2018. The judge ordered that he must serve a minimum of ten years before he can be considered for release by the Parole Commissioners.
Ciaran McQuillan, Assistant Director and head of the PPS Serious Crime Unit, said: “Firstly I want to pay tribute to Pauline Kilkenny’s family including her sisters who have shown remarkable dignity since her death in November 2018 and throughout the trial process.
“Pauline was a good Samaritan who had given Joseph Dolan a home. Her kindness makes the brutal attack he subjected her to all the more shocking.
“The PPS Serious Crime Unit worked closely with police and our team of Counsel to prepare a robust prosecution case, which resulted in Dolan pleading guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
“Pauline is sorely missed by her family, friends and the wider community. We appreciate that even though Dolan has been convicted and sentenced, the loss they feel will endure and our thoughts are with them.”